Sunday, August 29, 2021

A lot has happened...

Wow, I haven't seen this page since I was in college. Back in 2012, here we are almost 10 years later. The 20th anniversary of September 11th is in 2 weeks. Coronavirus is still happening and we are no closer to the end of the pandemic. But life goes on and we move forward. I thought I was done with art, being creative and just thought I had given up. That is until recently I had been working odd jobs over the last couple of years, from working at a gym, to customer service, a call center and then low voltage I have met a whole cast of characters and learned a lot from everyone I have taken the time to know, some of them helped me lose weight, some of them helped me become a better person and grow a little along the way. But recently (almost 2 years now) I met my now fiance and have learned that as far as I have come, I had so much more to go. 10 years ago I had a drive to be the best, at everything I did and touched, outside of myself, the last 10 years have been about me I have been working on my personal health and still am. All the way through college and even after I was well over 400 pounds to the point where it was uncomfortable to sleep. So I needed to fix me first. I am still working on myself but I am in a better place. Fast forward to now and I am challanged and forced to grow again. My fiance is 27 and an accomplished nurse, she has a sight for the future and knows what she wants careerwise and familywise as well. I on the other hand stopped thinking about the future and instead found myself focusing on the day to day due to necessity and that has held me back from really going after what I wanted in the first place. I found myself working a dead end job instead of persuing a career in a field I love, I forgot that to try is to fail and that if you are not trying you just plain give up. Instead of dedicating time to finding a job in wether it was as a lead, a helper or an internship I should have kept trying, trying until I got a yes, a single yes, from someone at an HR department or someone who saw my portfolio and said yes I see the potential and can help you grow and get better, that's all it takes a single 'YES'. I had gotten enough no's and decided to give up. Let's fast forward to today for now, I can always revisit events and talk about what got us here later. I got fired from a job I didn't like in the first place. I was giving my time to something I didn't want to do but that I thought paid well. Something I didn't go to school for but just kind of fell into out of necessity. I had worked there before but needed to move but when I moved backed to the area instead of looking for something I ended up going back there because the money was ok for right now but in 10 years do I still want to be doing that no... I needed to get fired, I wasn't going to make the decision for myself and I kind of needed a second wake up call. So I decided to take this opportunity to focus on that little voice in the back of my head, hey while you are studying for something why not go back to what you love in the first place. And I am still looking for that awesome remote opportunity in art but in the meantime I have taken my first step back into the art world after a bunch of resumes sent out, interviews and rejections, I kind of bugged a guy enough to hire me, as a helper, at first... he had to let his designer go, and now the job just fell in my lap. It's not a high paying job, it's also not the kind of art I want to do, but it is my first stepping stone back to it. Back to the art I loved. Working with colors, characters, 3D art its all right there at arms length I can see it I wasted time doing stuff I didn't want to do, so now I'm going to do everything I want to do. I'm gonna start posting whatever work I do little by little and Including the time I spent at Livobooks I need to find all that and make it part of this blog, I want to use this the way I intended as a portfolio, work in progress and a voice to show how I see it.. Here is a design I put together something I haven't done in forever it's not impressive but it's my first piece in a long time, the color matching of the paint was tough lol it turned out to be a yellow with CMYK of 2/2/36/0 which took a bunch of swatches all single digits apart from each other to figure out. I'm also working on a design for a sexy pig and a political cartoon along with all the other hectic projects from the sign shop.
Quigley Eye Sinage Also here is my 3D portfolio. If anyone sees this please share it, if anyone knows a person at a game studio who needs a 3D artist please share I am just looking for my first YES! It feels good to be back!