Saturday, October 27, 2012

3 weeks to go!!!

Man the days draw ever nearer, it's already week 5 of my last quarter of school and that Nov. 30th deadline keeps crawling ever nearer. I've started putting together my demo reel now that I've finished putting together my last model for it at the moment at least, next year will be a new beginning possibly a new home town. (Scary! LOL) Willing to relocate is part of what I do and meeting new people is what I'm always about, I'm also excited because it's day 20 of my power 90 experience and I'm slowly but surely feeling it, I'm moving into phase II little by little and loving it, I'm healthier, stronger and clearer! Working out is awesome! I should have business cards soon to! but for now here's a finished look at the Cosmonaut model I'd been working on! Just in time to make it into the reel! He's been rigged by my good friend Sean! Thanks Sean!!!

original Concept by Michelangelo Almeida
Modeled and textured by ME!!! :D

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Most Recent addition to my Reel Will be...

This is the Diver that I'm actually almost done with he's rather low-poly and will be rigged after he's textured... The orignal charter Design is by an artist that I found through Cghub I feel head over heels for the character designs... look him up his name is Michelangelo Almeida. great artist!